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Architecture | Interiors | Consultancy

We are currently updating our webpage

We will be back shortly to show you what we have been creating in 2022 and plan for 2023

+44 2038353244 

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Studio Howson is an Architectural Practice which seeks to deliver great projects from concept to completion and
beyond. Based in London, we create, we build and care for our projects.
We utilise our experience from small to large scale, and varying typologies to work intrepidly to deliver timeless
and quality projects which add value to our clients assets. We work in the following sectors.

Our motivation is to design projects that celebrate our basic needs as humans of light, air, warmth and nature,
and through this process create exciting projects which balance human experience and value. We as studio
place ‘caring’ at the centre of our ethos.
We care for our projects, we care for our client and we care for people.


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